Red Leaders for a New Chicago logo with White Star on op

A collaboration between
the Field Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation

The Leaders for a New Chicago Award celebrates its seventh year in 2025. This unique initiative provides a $50,000 no-strings-attached award for individual leaders and a $25,000 general operating grant for their affiliated not-for-profit organizations. This year, the award will be given to eight leaders who are bringing transformative change to their communities. We look forward to announcing the 2025 Leaders for a New Chicago this summer.

About the Leaders for a New Chicago Award

The Leaders for a New Chicago Award was created in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation in 2018. Recipients may use their award as they see fit, including supporting work, reflection, and professional development. They also receive ongoing optional network programming and other opportunities. By creating a network, we aim to act as a connector, supporter, and investor in leaders who have the potential to transform Chicago.

Meet the Leaders

Collectively, the 65 recipients of the Leaders for a New Chicago Award represent a broad array of Chicago residents doing community-based work. The awardees are artists, advocates, co-founders, educators, executive directors, journalists, organizers, social change agents, storytellers, and members of collectives or shared leadership models, among other roles. Meet the leaders from our six cohorts below.

2024 Awardees

2023 Awardees

2022 Awardees

2021 Awardees

2020 Awardees

2019 Awardees


Eligible nominees for the Leaders for a New Chicago Award must be:

  • A Field Foundation grant recipient within the past two years OR a current direct grant recipient of the MacArthur Foundation’s Chicago Commitment or Chicago-based Journalism & Media (JAM) portfolio; or received an Expedited Grant (X Grant) in the past three years from the MacArthur Foundation’s Chicago Commitment and Chicago-based JAM portfolio.

  • Living in Chicago, Cook County, or the five collar counties (DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will) at the time of the nomination or selection.

  • Working in the fields of Art, Journalism & Storytelling, or Justice.

    • Art. Nominees are deeply rooted in community, creating art and advancing the capacity of emerging artists.

    • Journalism & Storytelling. Nominees tell untold stories and bring diverse viewpoints to the public square. They fill information gaps with narratives, news, and investigations accurately reflecting community needs.

    • Justice. Nominees increase the visibility of critical issues affecting their communities and demonstrate impact in addressing them. They build deep community relationships and develop local leaders.

  • In a strong working relationship with the affiliated organization for at least one year at the time of the nomination.

Award Selection

A selection committee, facilitated by Field and MacArthur staff members, catalyzes the selection process, using a rubric to review nominations and recommend the next recipients of the Leaders for a New Chicago Award. The nomination process results in an award presented annually.